Numérique Égalité Tour 2019
Thursday, March 12, 2019 began the 5th Edition of the “digital equality tour”, organized by TECH IN France (French Association of software publishers and Internet solutions), with the support of the departmental Council of Seine-Saint-Denis.
On this occasion, Salvia développement hosted a 3rd class of the Collège Henri Wallon d’aubervilliers. This morning allowed the students to discover the digital professions at Salvia développement, in particular through the testimonies of collaborators from learning and then participating in coding workshops and algorithm.
This first stage of the digital equality tour, at Salvia développement, has also enabled employees to share their passions with college students and to educate them about digital training.
We hope to have aroused vocations in some pupils!
Find in pictures a selection of the best moments of this edition 2019!